Gertrude Ann Helt

Female, Age 78 Wellington, Colorado

Gertrude Ann Helt (age 78) is currently listed at 6807 Hayfield Ln, Wellington, CO 80549 and is affiliated with the Colorado Democratic Party since August 9, 2001. This person is a female and is registered to vote in Larimer County, Colorado since August 9, 2001.


Age:  78

Gender:  female

Phone number: 970-214-6528

Birth year:  1945

Lives in:  Wellington

Gertrude Ann Helt's Voting Profile

Registered to vote in:  Larimer County

Party Affiliation:  Democratic Party of Colorado

Registration Date:  August 9, 2001

Status:  Active

Precinct:  2154935434

Voter ID:  1595802

Precinct Split:  4341500

Congressional District:  Congressional 2

House District:  State House 49

Senate District:  State Senate 15

Gertrude Ann Helt Adress & Maps

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Neighbors for Gertrude Ann Helt

Donald Archie Mcrae
6765 Hayfield Ln
Democratic Party of Colorado
Andrew Blake Pastor
6765 Hayfield Ln
Republican Party of Colorado
Josiah David Hoffman
6792 Hayfield Ln
David Arnold Hoffman
6792 Hayfield Ln
Angel Lee Hoffman
6792 Hayfield Ln
Richard William Jones Iii
6793 Hayfield Ln


Salary: $57,783

Net Worth: $1,005,579

*This information is estimated by an algorithm and does not come from any public data. These numbers are only guesses and should not be considered to be accurate.