Gertrude A Graninger

Female, Age 78 Iliff, Colorado

Gertrude A Graninger (age 78) is currently listed at 217 S Fifth St, Iliff, CO 80736 and is affiliated with the Colorado Republican Party since May 18, 2012. This person is a female and is registered to vote in Logan County, Colorado since February 19, 2008. Our records show 78 y.o. Vicky Ray Graninger as possible relative.


Age:  78

Gender:  female

Birth year:  1945

Lives in:  Iliff

Gertrude A Graninger's Voting Profile

Registered to vote in:  Logan County

Party Affiliation:  Republican Party of Colorado

Registration Date:  May 18, 2012

Status:  Active

Precinct:  4016538013

Voter ID:  200041644

Precinct Split:  57

Congressional District:  Congressional 4

House District:  State House 65

Senate District:  State Senate 1

Gertrude A Graninger Adress & Maps

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Residential Address

217 S Fifth St, Iliff, CO 80736

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Mailing Address

Po Box 267, Iliff, 80827

Neighbors for Gertrude A Graninger

Justin John Poole
215 S Fifth St
Carolyn A Jackson
315 S Fifth St
Republican Party of Colorado
Robert W Jackson
315 S Fifth St
Republican Party of Colorado
Linda Darlene Hutt
317 S Fifth St
Republican Party of Colorado
Lowell Darrell Hutt
317 S Fifth St
Republican Party of Colorado


Iliff, CO
Born in: 1945
Age: 78
Gender: Male
Party Affiliation: Republican Party of Colorado


Salary: $11,801

Net Worth: $1,058,490

*This information is estimated by an algorithm and does not come from any public data. These numbers are only guesses and should not be considered to be accurate.