James Alan Umphryes

Male, Age 75 Denver, Colorado

James Alan Umphryes (age 75) is currently listed at 160 S Monroe St, Denver, CO 80209 and is affiliated with the Unity Party of Colorado since July 20, 2004. This person is a male and is registered to vote in Denver County, Colorado since October 22, 2013.


Age:  75

Gender:  male

Phone number: 303-903-6835

Birth year:  1948

Lives in:  Denver

James Alan Umphryes's Voting Profile

Registered to vote in:  Denver County

Party Affiliation:  Unaffiliated

Registration Date:  July 20, 2004

Status:  Active

Precinct:  1320616621

Voter ID:  2863676

Precinct Split:  621.00

Congressional District:  Congressional 1

House District:  State House 6

Senate District:  State Senate 32

James Alan Umphryes Adress & Maps

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Residential Address

160 S Monroe St, Denver, CO 80209

Show Map

Mailing Address

191 University Blvd Box 552, Denver, 80827

Neighbors for James Alan Umphryes

Joanne Malisani
134 S Monroe St
Democratic Party of Colorado
Michael Mclauchlan
134 S Monroe St
Ian Lintner Maclauchlan
134 S Monroe St
Mark Charles Johnson
136 S Monroe St
Matthew R Tabrum
152 S Monroe St
Gale Sloan Thompson
156 S Monroe St


Salary: $83,894

Net Worth: $625,716

*This information is estimated by an algorithm and does not come from any public data. These numbers are only guesses and should not be considered to be accurate.