Stephen E Turner

Male, Age 87 Colo Springs, Colorado

Stephen E Turner (age 87) is currently listed at 3845 Masters Dr, Colo Springs, CO 80907-7814 and is affiliated with the Colorado Republican Party since December 14, 1985. This person is a male and is registered to vote in El Paso County, Colorado since August 11, 1978. Our records show 81 y.o. Mary A Turner as possible relative.


Age:  87

Gender:  male

Phone number: 719-520-1819

Birth year:  1936

Lives in:  Colo Springs

Stephen E Turner's Voting Profile

Registered to vote in:  El Paso County

Party Affiliation:  Republican Party of Colorado

Registration Date:  December 14, 1985

Status:  Active

Precinct:  5101621128

Voter ID:  304047

Precinct Split:  128.fby

Congressional District:  Congressional 5

House District:  State House 16

Senate District:  State Senate 10

Stephen E Turner Adress & Maps

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Neighbors for Stephen E Turner

Katherine Teresa Phillips
3825 Masters Dr
Republican Party of Colorado
Norman Donald Phillips
3825 Masters Dr
Tanya L Cooper
3830 Masters Dr
Republican Party of Colorado
Richard Madison Cooper
3830 Masters Dr
Republican Party of Colorado
Anne Marie Kelsey
3835 Masters Dr
Democratic Party of Colorado
Erica Catherine Roberts
3840 Masters Dr


(Age 81)
Colo Springs, CO
Born in: 1942
Age: 81
Gender: Female
Party Affiliation: Republican Party of Colorado


Salary: $23,801

Net Worth: $1,265,080

*This information is estimated by an algorithm and does not come from any public data. These numbers are only guesses and should not be considered to be accurate.

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