Gertrude V Kriese

Female, Age 88 Littleton, Colorado

Gertrude V Kriese (age 88) is currently listed at 3091 Mill Vista Rd 1503, Littleton, CO 80129 and is affiliated with the Colorado Democratic Party since April 23, 2003. This person is a female and is registered to vote in Douglas County, Colorado since April 23, 2003.


Age:  88

Gender:  female

Birth year:  1935

Lives in:  Littleton

Gertrude V Kriese's Voting Profile

Registered to vote in:  Douglas County

Party Affiliation:  Democratic Party of Colorado

Registration Date:  April 23, 2003

Status:  Active

Precinct:  6304318201

Voter ID:  5836822

Precinct Split:  023702

Congressional District:  Congressional 6

House District:  State House 43

Senate District:  State Senate 30

Gertrude V Kriese Adress & Maps

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Neighbors for Gertrude V Kriese

Robert Mcadam
3085 Mill Vista Rd 2221
Loretta Vance Saracino
3085 Mill Vista Rd 2412
Republican Party of Colorado
Robert Lee Stamp
3085 Mill Vista Rd 2309
Republican Party of Colorado
Carol Jean Stamp
3085 Mill Vista Rd 2309
Republican Party of Colorado
Patricia Mears Sells
3085 Mill Vista Rd 2204
Democratic Party of Colorado
Mary Lou H Flater
3085 Mill Vista Rd 2109
Republican Party of Colorado


Salary: $6,826

Net Worth: $602,029

*This information is estimated by an algorithm and does not come from any public data. These numbers are only guesses and should not be considered to be accurate.