Lazaro Torres
Male, Age 36 Aurora, ColoradoLazaro Torres (age 36) is currently listed at 1272 Moline St, Aurora, CO 80010-3730 and is affiliated with the Colorado Democratic Party since March 28, 2016. This person is a male and is registered to vote in Arapahoe County, Colorado since June 30, 2006.
Birth year: 1987
Lives in: Aurora
Lazaro Torres's Voting Profile
Registered to vote in: Arapahoe County
Party Affiliation: Democratic Party of Colorado
Registration Date: March 28, 2016
Status: Active
Precinct: 6294203506
Voter ID: 947299
Precinct Split: 506.00
Congressional District: Congressional 6
House District: State House 42
Senate District: State Senate 29
Lazaro Torres Adress & Maps
Residential Address
Neighbors for Lazaro Torres
Salary: $77,243
Net Worth: $1,709,915
*This information is estimated by an algorithm and does not come from any public data. These numbers are only guesses and should not be considered to be accurate.Table of Contents
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